The Novus Initium Peacekeeper Department was first conceived by the Prime Minister of the Holy Lykan Republic as a means to maintain peace between the Holy Lykan Republic, the Librigi Mandate, the United Vitam State, the Camino Star Empire, and the Novus Initium Republic by having a “third-party” patrol and moderate their borders. This was to help reduce the tension that would still be present between the nations and regulate activity across their borders such as trade and culture. While the idea had merit, the other nations were very reluctant in wanting to implement the idea for several reasons, namely the hostilities between species, the cost of maintaining a fleet whose designs and technology would not be accepted within their borders, and the numerous laws and regulations that were different between them. The Prime Minister kept the proposal open in case times changed that they would feel more comfortable with approving the agency.
The Novus Initium Peacekeeper Department came into fruition after the Tenebris Dominion's one-day war and defeat at the hands of both the Novus Initium Republic and the Draco Federation. The Novus Initium Republic Supreme Chancellor brought up the initial proposal by the Lykan Prime Minister once again for a peacekeeping force that could serve as both a peacekeeping force and as a law enforcement agency over the former Dominion space that became known as the Nature Restoration Zone. All of the known nations agreed and set about to establish the foundation and the authority of the new Novus Initium Peacekeeper Department.
The NIPD would serve as a peacekeeping force along existing national borders between nations, a first-responder force against threats both internally within the nations it was authorized to operate in, and be the local law enforcement within the Nature Preservation Zone. To accomplish this, the NIPD needed to have the ships and the technology to respond as such. To that end, the technology of the captured Dominion Mammoth-Class Dreadnoughts after the attack on the Republic were reverse-engineered and developed successfully, namely the Portal Drive, the shield hardeners, and the solar particle generators. However, the power supply needed to operate the Portal Drive required a battleship-size vessel to function, a fact that quickly explained why the Dominion operated such large ships as well as the Draco Federation. This would later result in the NIR's Paladin Battleship undergoing a refit to make use of the new technology available after being able to miniaturize them somewhat. It was determined that a large hull would be needed to make use of the technology, but thanks to the Republic's miniaturization, it would not result in a vessel being the size of a dreadnought. While there was the issue of using a single design from only one nation being a problem, a solution was presented by a team of Human engineers under orders by the Supreme Chancellor. The idea was a hybrid design with a 2,000-meter-long hull and using aspects from existing battleship designs. The design was quickly approved by all nations and that design, the only one the NIPD would be allowed to use, was called the Enforcer.
The Enforcer’s design, while looking like a “hodge-podge” of battleship components put together, was the logical choice as it had components from both Republics, the Empire, and the State, though the Mandate’s designs were the same as the HLR and the Federation was reluctant to include its own technology and design aspects despite signing the NIPD Charter. Regardless, it was a design that was unique and blended enough to not cause citizens of any nation concern with the exception of criminals, of course. Aside from the mixing of design elements, the ship’s design also required the weaponry, the defenses, and the support equipment needed to fulfill its operational role, and the Enforcer can accomplish this task.
Among the weaponry present on the Enforcer, the ship is more than capable of going toe-to-toe against dreadnoughts, battleships, battlecruisers, and cruisers. Among the battleship-grade weapons, the ship is equipped with eight Imperial dual large railgun turrets and eight Imperial large blaster turret housing utilizing former Dominion particle cannon technology mounted on the front midsection, split evenly on the vessel's dorsal and ventral sections. It is also equipped with sixteen Republic (NIR) dual large laser turrets with six mounted to the end of the wings both port and starboard and the remaining four mounted in pairs on the dorsal and ventral sections in the back to cover the ship’s aft section. Among the anti-cruiser weapons, the Enforcer is equipped with eight Imperial dual medium railgun turrets and eighteen Imperial medium blaster turret housings again using the former Dominion's particle cannon technology. These are split evenly along the dorsal and ventral hull on the ship’s midsection. Also present are thirty-two Republic (NIR) dual medium laser turrets, also split even on the dorsal and ventral sections but closer to the aft of the ship. For targets ranging from dreadnoughts down to fighters and drones, twenty-eight State quad missile launchers are found on the ship’s midsection mounted evenly port and starboard. Unlike the guns, State missiles come in multiple varieties in terms of warheads, damage, and size. This makes them rather versatile as well as giving the Enforcer the means to counter destroyers, frigates, fighters, and drones. Rounding off the arsenal, the ship is also equipped with up to one hundred Republic (NIR) light drone fighters and fifty Republic (NIR) heavy drone fighters that can launch from four bays, two on each side, just aft of the missile launchers. The only weapons not present on the Enforcer are Lykan projectile guns, but this was due to the size of the ammo and how quickly guns like autocannons would go through their ammo that it was deemed excessive to include. This did not upset the Lykan designers much as the forward port and starboard sections of the Enforcer was using parts from their own Harbinger Battleship, so their representation in the design was more than evident even if their guns were not.
The defenses of the Enforcer are considered state-of-the-art among other battleships. The ship boasts the primary and secondary shield systems like the Paladin Battleships where the secondary shield will activate once the primary is depleted. Both shields can get stronger with the equipped shield booster modules. A new addition to the shield systems are the shield hardeners that were reverse-engineered from the captured Mammoth dreadnoughts. The shield hardeners however have been modified to be adaptive meaning they change the resistance levels of the shields to certain types of damage once that damage has been assessed. This allows the shields to last longer and makes them more powerful than the former Dominion’s dreadnoughts. Should an enemy survive long enough to get through the Enforcer’s shields, they must then go through the 1600mm layered steel plates to make any significant damage as well as the nanobot armor repair system activated by that point. However, the armor also has a new level of defense: armor hardeners. Based on the shield hardeners, armor hardeners polarize the hull to adapt and increase the resistance to certain damage types just like the shield hardeners. However, the hardeners use additional power when activated so only one set of hardeners can be activated along with that defense’s repair system, such as shield boosters and hardeners or armor repairer and hardeners. Both sets active at the same time would drain the capacitors very quickly.
While the Enforcer can go head-to-head with ships larger than it, its role as a peacekeeping vessel also sees the vessel using specialized equipment to fulfill this role while at the same time making the ship more lethal to those who mess with it. Foremost, the Portal Drive allows the ship to be anywhere in the star cluster almost instantly and is one of the few battleship grade vessels to do so. This means it has rapidly deployment capabilities if it is needed somewhere fast. However, there is a recharge time between jumps of ten minutes due to the Portal Drive’s power needs. On the other hand, the ship can keep opposing ships and perpetrators from getting away using conventional means thanks to the warp disruption field system that is now implemented into the design. Any vessel caught in the field cannot use their warp drive until they either leave the field or destroy the Enforcer, the latter of which based on the defenses of the vessel would be next to impossible. The former, however, may be possible, but the Enforcer is also equipped with a stasis field generator which slows down vessels to a third or less of their top speed. Between the size of the warp disruption field and the stasis field generator, the target vessel would have a very slim chance of getting away without either major damage or destruction depending on the level of the crime or act. Another peace of technology to fulfill its role, and the one that enemies of the Enforcer should be very weary of, is the electronic countermeasures (ECM) and electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM). The former will allow the Enforcer to disrupt and prevent target acquisitions from the enemy ship while the latter prevents the target ship from doing the same to the Enforcer. These are more powerful versions found on the Novus Initium Republic’s stealth vessels and ECM destroyers. Powering these systems and primarily the Portal Drive are a pair of solar particle generators that are recessed into the hull. All the capabilities of the Enforcer make the ship the most advanced vessel ever designed and the most powerful battleship in the star cluster.
When the United Systems of the Novus Initium Federation was created, the Enforcer became the cornerstone of the new Federation fleet, able to operate in all states without limitations. Hundreds of these ships were made thanks to the recycling of a third of the former Dominion's Mammoth Dreadnoughts. The only change made to the ship when the Federation was formed was the color scheme and a proper prefix to a ship's name, which was lacking at the time the NIPD was formed.