Unlike ships in the Republic Navy which are recycled every 100 years, space stations are only rebuilt and recycled every 250 years due to their immense size and cost. When Horribilis Industries won the contract for building the next generation of ships for the Republic Navy in 5400 AD, they also won the contract to build and maintain the next generation of space stations. Using the same design aesthetic as they used on their ship designs, Horribilis Industries began rebuilding the major space/docking stations including the one used as the headquarters for the Navy found in orbit over the planet Luminaire. These stations measure of 57.2 kilometers at the longest axis and can hold multiple fleets depending on their sizes. Major stations can primarily be found in core systems such as Lumen, Sanctus, Voluptas, and others near the center of the Republic. They can also be found in systems near the edge of the Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Western Regions serving as local headquarters for fleets in neighboring systems. Smaller stations otherwise serve as ports of call in other systems.